Reasons for the Open Research Establishment A Global Perspective What will the world be like in 25-years, 50-years or even 100 years from now? What life will our children and grandchildren have in 25-years time or their children in 50-years time from now?
One thing is for sure, the world will be a far more competitive and economically hostile environment for all emerging and industrialised economies to sell their 'goods and services' within, and if for any reason these economic products are out-of-date, they will simply have no markets at all. Indeed, economic dynamism will be at the very heart of a future world order and where the planet's problems will inevitably be either solved or not. The driving force for this will be 'Science' and the exploitation of its many discoveries. In this respect the pre-eminent of all humankind's growing problems on our present course is that in a mere 40 to 50-years time the world's population will have doubled. Then we shall have over 12 billion people living on planet earth. This unprecedented truism of the first order is the unimaginable future scenario that our children will have to face. Indeed, this huge and uncompromising problem is frightening to say the very least as we currently cannot feed, clothe, or house our present global population of around 6 billion inhabitants. How therefore will we be able to provide for twice-as-many people on earth with the current 'ad hoc' system, which is not conducive to global co-operation? Indeed presently this is simply an impossible feat, for if we cannot solve this pre-eminent of all the planet's growing problems, our future generations look forward to a dire and bleak future world where it will be ravaged by wars, famine and ultimately humankind's possible extinction. Therefore these are the harsh words that we all have to take extremely seriously. To stop this from happening and to solve mankind's greatest future challenge we need the creative help of all peoples of the world before it is far too late and where the ORE Complex will, through the world's scientists and engineers, eventually solve these problems that concerns our very existence. In this respect the world of tomorrow dictates that we shall all have to co-operate with each other so as to create a single planet nation. A necessity that ex-President of the former Soviet Union, Nobel Laureate Mikhail Gorbachev has reinforced and stressed on numerous occasions over the past few years. Presently and incredibly, over 99.80% of the world's population are excluded from any involvement with scientific and technological research, and less than one-twentieth of one percent of the world's population are engaged in the planet's leading edge research effort. These narrow-minded statistics that in many ways keeps the majority of the world in poverty have to change. In this respect it is projected that the world on its present course will create a world where 8% live in sheer luxury and 92% live in abject poverty by 2050. This is a clear indication of the problems our future generations will face and a recipe for Armageddon. Indeed, we have to open-up the whole aspect of creativity if we are to solve our planet's emerging problems and for that we have to take into account all of mankind's creative thoughts. If not, we shall not be able to ultimately safeguard our children's future or indeed their lives from the mid-21st century and beyond. What can be done therefore? In this respect, the world's scientific inventors and innovators are our only source of pure and applied enlightenment. Overall, they are the only ones who intrinsically have the necessary creative tools to deliver a far better future world order. For in the long-term the only redress for any nation is to excel in the creation of a never-ending flow of new products and services for the markets of tomorrow. This is where the involvement of all mankind has its place. Indeed, more inventions for commercial exploitation are derived by the creative thought patterns of the average man or woman in the street than are ever conceived in advanced centres of research, or in our universities, by a very high margin. 'When one considers that anyone who switches on the electric light, turns on the television, makes a phone call, uses the World Wide Web, watches a film, uses a personal computer, plays a record or tape, uses electricity, takes a photograph, designs computer software, drives a car or travels by aeroplane, he or she has a lone eccentric to thank, not institutional science.'
This 'new' approach will deliver great impetus and investment within the world's present and future universities and global research centres as their research capability will increase sequentially through funding by secondment and utilisation of their research facilities for the Open Research Establishment's ever on-going scientific, technological, engineering and manufacturing work - eradicating many of humankind's killer-diseases and global conflicts in the process. In all, the world's people will win through by their total participation in the planet's future wealth creating mechanism. For this would then create a 'two-way street' of never ending creative endeavour. On completion, the Open Research Establishment will self-fund itself and be self-supporting negating the necessity for any inter-government funding. In this respect vast operating surpluses will be created through the ORE-STEM's pre-eminent global work and these will be redistributed with compassion to the furtherment of humankind's ultimate destiny. As possibly the greatest scientist of all time, Sir Isaac Newton once said "There are many Newtons". Above all, these were possibly the most important words for humankind that he ever spoke as he considered that he was no different to any other mere mortal of his time. Indeed, when we take on-board the conception of what Newton said, we start to understand what immense contribution the Open Research Establishment's development will do for the future world-at-large. In this respect it is hoped to create not just 21st century technologies but possibly those of the 22nd century and beyond in our time. Strangely but true, the identified ideal global location for this vast undertaking for all humankind is situated in the very same County that Newton was born and where he determined all his revolutionary ideas, thinking and inventions that started the change in our comprehension of the universe forever. In this respect also, even George Boole the wholly self-taught mathematician who invented Boolean algebra, the '0's and '1's that make all our modern computers work, was born as well and where the ORE-STEM Complex will be operational. When everything has been said, the world's ever-increasing problems need more than ever before a central economic catalyst for its peaceful and sustainable progress. Indeed, without this new vision for the world of tomorrow, our children, their children and all future generations will suffer at the hands of our creative neglect - For without the ORE and its global Incubator Centres they will look forward to a world ravaged by wars, famine and ultimately their own destruction. In order therefore to stop these event ever happening all nations have to start co-operating now for some are beginning to say that we have only a mere 30-years to turn the world around, for after this period events will become irreversible. For our young we have accordingly to put in place the mechanism that will provide for a truly single planet nation and that mechanism can only be activated through the Open Research Establishment which will be built for the benefit of all humankind. These words are a timely warning for a world that urgently needs new Direction! |